


Meng Wanzhou's defence wraps extradition case, arguing 'fundamental justice' demands Huawei exec's discharge


Meng Wanzhou's lawyers concluded submissions at the Huawei executive's extradition proceedings Tuesday with a final attempt to scuttle a case they claim is built on an "evidentiary vacuum."

More than two and a half years after Meng's arrest at Vancouver's airport, defence lawyer Eric Gottardi urged the B.C. Supreme Court judge overseeing the case to reject a bid to render Meng to New York to face fraud charges.

"Fundamental justice demands that Ms. Meng not be extradited to face trial on these legally and factually flawed allegations," Gottardi told Associate Chief Justice Heather Holmes.

"Accordingly, we would ask you to discharge her."

One and the same entity

The defence rested after three days of detailed arguments in which four members of Meng's gold-plated legal team systematically attacked every element of the Crown's case.

Meng is Huawei's chief financial officer and the daughter of the Chinese telecommunication giant's billionaire founder, Ren Zhengfei.

The 49-year-old was arrested on a provisional warrant on Dec. 1, 2018, after arriving in Canada on a flight from Hong Kong for what was supposed to be a stopover on her way to Mexico City and a conference in Argentina.

She faces fraud charges in the U.S. in relation to allegations she lied to an HSBC executive in Hong Kong during an August 2013 meeting convened in the wake of a series of Reuters reports suggesting a Huawei subsidiary had violated U.S. economic sanctions against Iran.

Meng gave a Powerpoint presentation in which she claimed her company's relationship with the subsidiary — Skycom — was a "controllable" business partnership and that Huawei operated in compliance with all sanctions.

In truth, prosecutors say, Huawei and Skycom were one and the same entity.

They claim that by relying on Meng's alleged lies to continue handling Huawei's financial transactions, HSBC placed itself at risk of loss and prosecution for ferrying sanctions-tainted funds through the U.S. banking system.

'A zero loss situation'

The Crown cast the case as a classic fraud allegation that boiled down to dishonesty in commercial dealings.

But the defence said prosecutors failed to prove Meng lied, failed to prove HSBC suffered any actual loss and failed to establish any connection between Meng's actions and the alleged harm, which is crucial to fraud.

Earlier Tuesday, Gottardi's colleague Scott Fenton questioned the Crown's contention that HSBC could have suffered a "reputational risk" as a result of its dealings with Huawei and Skycom.

Fenton said the law requires loss or threatened loss in a fraud case to be concrete; lying alone is not illegal.

In Canada, fraud cases are charged as being under or over $5,000 — which Fenton said required prosecutors to quantify some amount, "grounded in evidence" of actual loss or tangible risk.

He said the law doesn't regard the loss of pure reputation as the grounds on which a fraud charge can be built, in the same way as the loss of money or property.

"In this case, there is simply no evidence of a quantifiable or measurable risk of loss to HSBC," Fenton told Holmes.

"We are in a zero loss situation."

The judge has been an active participant in the proceedings, asking Fenton to show her the place in any of the precedent cases he relied on where it says the amount of loss "must" be quantified.

Holmes has to make her decision based on a record of the case provided by U.S. prosecutors, detailing a narrative of events, witnesses and their expected testimony.

She has to determine whether there would be enough evidence to send Meng to trial for fraud in Canada if her alleged offences had occurred in this country.

Gottardi told Holmes the defence was ending the case where it began, asking her not to be a "rubber stamp".

"The requesting state has provided you with an inaccurate and, in parts, manifestly unreliable evidentiary record," Gottardi said.

"The question that you now have to decide is whether this evidentiary record that you have before you in this case, with all the evidentiary gaps and problems that we have attempted to outline, still amounts to a plausible case," Gottardi said.

"Could a jury convict to the criminal standard on the evidence that is before you. And we say the answer is no."

The Crown is expected to reply to the defence's submissions on Wednesday morning, after which the final word on the lengthy legal battle will rest with Holmes.



Meng Wanzhou's defence wraps extradition case, arguing 'fundamental justice' demands Huawei exec's discharge


Meng Wanzhou's lawyers concluded submissions at the Huawei executive's extradition proceedings Tuesday with a final attempt to scuttle a case they claim is built on an "evidentiary vacuum."



1.提交;(向法官提出的)意见。栗子:They prepared a report for submission to the council. 他们准备了一份报告要提交给理事会。

2.屈服。栗子:The army intends to take the city or simply starve it into submission. 这个军队打算占领这座城市或干脆使其挨饿到投降。


栗子:The ruling could clear the way for extradition proceedings. 这项裁决也许能为引渡程序铺平道路。


碎步疾跑。栗子:Two very small children scuttled away in front of them.两个很小的孩子在他们面前迈着又碎又快的步子跑开了。

破坏 (计划、提议)。栗子:Such threats could scuttle the peace conference.这样的威胁可能会破坏和平会议。


栗子:The presumption of innocence is not what lawyers call an "evidentiary presumption." 无罪推定是没有什么律师所说的“证据推定。”


空缺。栗子:His resignation has created a vacuum which cannot easily be filled. 他的引退造成了难以填补的空白。真空;与世隔绝的状态。栗子:Moral values cannot be taught in a vacuum.道德价值观不能在与世隔绝的状态中进行传授。作名词/动词,真空吸尘器/用真空吸尘器清洁。栗子:It's important to vacuum regularly.定期用吸尘器清洁是很重要的。

More than two and a half years after Meng's arrest at Vancouver's airport, defence lawyer Eric Gottardi urged the B.C. Supreme Court judge overseeing the case to reject a bid to render Meng to New York to face fraud charges.


render[?rend?(r)],作动词,使成为; 使变得。

栗子:It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.太多的错误使之变得毫无价值。


栗子:He was jailed for two years for fraud and deception.他因诈骗与欺诈被监禁了两年。

"Fundamental justice demands that Ms. Meng not be extradited to face trial on these legally and factually flawed allegations," Gottardi told Associate Chief Justice Heather Holmes.



栗子:The plan was fatally flawed from the start. 这个计划一开始就有致命的缺陷。


作动词,将 (…和…) 联系起来。栗子:I haven't been associated with the project over the last year.我过去一年不曾跟这个项目有关联。作名词,(尤指工作中的) 伙伴。栗子:…the restaurant owner's business associates.…该餐馆老板的商业伙伴们。做形容词,副的。栗子:Mr. Lin is associate director of the Institute.林先生是该研究所的副主任。

"Accordingly, we would ask you to discharge her."



作动词,批准离开; 命令离开。栗子:He has a broken nose but may be discharged today.他鼻梁断了,但今天可能获准出院。作名词/动词,释放。栗子:He was given a conditional discharge and ordered to pay Miss Smith $500 compensation. 他被判有条件释放,并被命令向史密斯小姐支付$500的赔偿金。作动词,履行 (职责或义务)。栗子:…the quiet competence with which he discharged his many duties.…他履行他的诸多职责所用的平静的办事能力。作动词,排出。栗子:The resulting salty water will be discharged at sea.产生的咸水将被排放到海里。

One and the same entity



栗子:…the earth as a living entity.…作为一个生命实体的地球。

The defence rested after three days of detailed arguments in which four members of Meng's gold-plated legal team systematically attacked every element of the Crown's case.



栗子:The necklace is only gold-plated. 这条项链只是镀金的。


王冠; 冠。a crown of flower一个花冠。王国政府。栗子:She says the sovereignty of the Crown must be preserved.她说君主政权必须予以保留。作动词,为…加冕。栗子:Two days later, Juan Carlos was crowned king.两天后,胡安·卡洛斯被加冕为国王。

Meng is Huawei's chief financial officer and the daughter of the Chinese telecommunication giant's billionaire founder, Ren Zhengfei.


The 49-year-old was arrested on a provisional warrant on Dec. 1, 2018, after arriving in Canada on a flight from Hong Kong for what was supposed to be a stopover on her way to Mexico City and a conference in Argentina.


provisional[pr??v???nl],做形容词,临时的; 暂时的。

栗子:The booking is only provisional. 这只是暂定的预订。


动词,使…显得必要; 使…显得适当。栗子:The allegations are serious enough to warrant an investigation.指控已严重得有必要进行一番调查。名词,搜查令; 拘捕令。栗子:Police confirmed that they had issued a warrant for his arrest.警方证实他们已对他签发了拘捕令。


栗子:We had a two-day stopover in Fiji on the way to Australia. 我们去澳大利亚时中途在斐济停留了两天。

She faces fraud charges in the U.S. in relation to allegations she lied to an HSBC executive in Hong Kong during an August 2013 meeting convened in the wake of a series of Reuters reports suggesting a Huawei subsidiary had violated U.S. economic sanctions against Iran.


convene[k?n?vi?n],作动词,召集 ; 召开。

栗子:The committee will convene at 11.30 next Thursday. 委员会将在下星期四上午11:30开会。

in the wake of紧紧跟随;随着…而来。

栗子:The remark is in the wake of Dred Scott's decision. 这一言论紧随在德雷德·史考特的决定之后。


1.作名词,子公司。栗子:The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a large multinational. 这是一家大型跨国企业的全资子公司。

2.做形容词,辅助的。栗子:The marketing department has always played a subsidiary role to the sales department.营销部一直都扮演着销售部的辅助角色。

Meng gave a Powerpoint presentation in which she claimed her company's relationship with the subsidiary — Skycom — was a "controllable" business partnership and that Huawei operated in compliance with all sanctions.

孟在PPT中声称她的公司与子公司 Skycom 的关系是“可控”的商业伙伴关系,并且华为的运营符合所有规定。

in compliance with按照….

栗子:Three Mile Island was in compliance with the regulations. 三里岛的事故就是遵守了条例。


栗子:There are penalties for non-compliance with the fire regulations. 不遵守消防规章的行为要受到处罚。


1.作名词/动词,批准; 认可。栗子:He may now be ready to sanction the use of force.他或许现在正准备批准使用武力。

2.作名词,制裁。栗子:The ultimate sanction will be the closure of the restaurant. 最严厉的处罚将是关闭这家餐馆。

In truth, prosecutors say, Huawei and Skycom were one and the same entity.

检察官说,事实上,华为和 Skycom 是一个实体。

They claim that by relying on Meng's alleged lies to continue handling Huawei's financial transactions, HSBC placed itself at risk of loss and prosecution for ferrying sanctions-tainted funds through the U.S. banking system.


transaction[tr?n?z?k?n],作名词,交易 [商业]。

栗子:Neither side would disclose details of the transaction. 双方都不会透露交易的细节。


栗子:No one should be immune from prosecution. 任何人都不应免于被起诉。


作名词,渡船; 渡轮。栗子:They had recrossed the River Gambia by ferry.他们乘船又一次渡过了冈比亚河。作动词,运送。栗子:Every day, a plane arrives to ferry guests to and from Bird Island Lodge.每天,一架飞机到达以运送进出鸟岛宾馆的客人。


栗子:The administration was tainted with scandal. 丑闻使得政府声名狼藉。


作动词,玷污;使 (食品或药品) 变坏。栗子:Rancid oil will taint the flavour. 变质的油会破坏味道。作名词,污点。栗子:Her government never really shook off the taint of corruption.她的政府从未真正甩掉腐败的污点。

'A zero loss situation'


The Crown cast the case as a classic fraud allegation that boiled down to dishonesty in commercial dealings.


boil down

归结。栗子:Most crimes boil down to a question of money. 大多数犯罪归结起来可以说都是金钱问题。煮浓。栗子:They boil down horses' hoofs to get glue. 他们用马蹄熬制水胶。

But the defence said prosecutors failed to prove Meng lied, failed to prove HSBC suffered any actual loss and failed to establish any connection between Meng's actions and the alleged harm, which is crucial to fraud.


Earlier Tuesday, Gottardi's colleague Scott Fenton questioned the Crown's contention that HSBC could have suffered a "reputational risk" as a result of its dealings with Huawei and Skycom.

周二早些时候,戈塔迪的同事斯科特·芬顿质疑了公诉方的论点,即汇丰银行可能因与华为和 Skycom 的交易而遭受“声誉风险”。


(辩论或讨论中表达的) 观点。栗子:I would reject that contention. 我不会同意那种观点。争论。栗子:One area of contention is the availability of nursery care.争论的一个方面是提供幼儿保育的可能性。

Fenton said the law requires loss or threatened loss in a fraud case to be concrete; lying alone is not illegal.



作名词,混凝土。栗子:The posts have to be set in concrete.这些柱子必须固定在混凝土中。做形容词,明确具体的。栗子:I had no concrete evidence.我当时没有明确而具体的证据。

In Canada, fraud cases are charged as being under or over $5,000 — which Fenton said required prosecutors to quantify some amount, "grounded in evidence" of actual loss or tangible risk.



栗子:It's tough to quantify how good a person is at remembering. 很难量化一个人的记忆力有多好。



栗子:The experience is almost tangible. 这种体验几乎是有形的。

He said the law doesn't regard the loss of pure reputation as the grounds on which a fraud charge can be built, in the same way as the loss of money or property.



其动词意思包括“以…为根据;使停飞;使搁浅; 搁浅”。


栗子:This is the most solid ground for optimism.这是乐观主义最有力的根据。

"In this case, there is simply no evidence of a quantifiable or measurable risk of loss to HSBC," Fenton told Holmes.



栗子:It's not just having quantifiable return on business. 目的不是为了获得业务上的量化回报。


栗子:The remnant time was measurable. 剩余的时间是可以测量的。

"We are in a zero loss situation."


The judge has been an active participant in the proceedings, asking Fenton to show her the place in any of the precedent cases he relied on where it says the amount of loss "must" be quantified.



栗子:The ruling set a precedent for future libel cases. 这项裁决为今后的诽谤案提供了判例。

Holmes has to make her decision based on a record of the case provided by U.S. prosecutors, detailing a narrative of events, witnesses and their expected testimony.



作名词,故事; 叙事;记叙。栗子:Please list and provide a brief narrative. 请列出并提供简要的叙述。做形容词,叙事的,叙述的。栗子:A longer lifespan is changing the narrative structure of life itself. 更长的寿命正在改变生命本身的叙事结构。

testimony[?test?m?ni],作名词,(法庭上的) 证词。

栗子:His testimony was an important element of the prosecution's case.他的证词是本起公诉案中的一个重要因素。

She has to determine whether there would be enough evidence to send Meng to trial for fraud in Canada if her alleged offences had occurred in this country.


Gottardi told Holmes the defence was ending the case where it began, asking her not to be a "rubber stamp".


rubber stamp

橡皮图章。栗子:He is looking for his rubber stamp. 他正在找他的橡皮印章。履行审批手续而没有实权的人。栗子:Yet Specter insisted he would not be a rubber stamp for the president.然而Specter坚持说,在总统面前他不会人云亦云。

"The requesting state has provided you with an inaccurate and, in parts, manifestly unreliable evidentiary record," Gottardi said.



栗子:The party has manifestly failed to achieve its goal. 这政党显然没有达到目标。

"The question that you now have to decide is whether this evidentiary record that you have before you in this case, with all the evidentiary gaps and problems that we have attempted to outline, still amounts to a plausible case," Gottardi said.



作动词,概述。栗子:The mayor outlined his plan to clean up the town's image.市长概述他清理该市形象的计划。作名词,概要;轮廓。栗子:Following is an outline of the survey findings.以下是调查结果的概要。


(解释或叙述) 看似合理的。栗子:I stood still, trying to invent a plausible excuse. 我静静地站着,努力想编出一个听上去可信的借口。(人) 看似可信的。栗子:She was a plausible liar. 她是个巧言令色的说谎高手。

"Could a jury convict to the criminal standard on the evidence that is before you. And we say the answer is no."


convict[动词k?n?v?kt; 名词?k?nv?kt],

作动词,证明…有罪。栗子:There was insufficient evidence to convict him.没有足够的证据证明他有罪。作名词,囚犯。栗子:The escaped convict was seized outside the city. 逃犯在城外被抓获。

The Crown is expected to reply to the defence's submissions on Wednesday morning, after which the final word on the lengthy legal battle will rest with Holmes.



栗子:The board members held a lengthy meeting to decide future policy.董事会成员开了一次漫长的会议来决定未来的政策。

rest with在于;取决于。

栗子:All access control decisions rest with the administrator. 所有访问控制决策取决于管理员。


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